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Webinar - The eDiscovery Analytics Survival Kit

Written by admin

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

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Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, all this sounds impressive, but fors many lawyers and In-House teams the prevailing thought is that it complicates things, especially when it comes to application in day-to-day business.

In this webinar “The eDiscovery Analytics Survival Kit”, Consilio shows you that many analytics tools are, and should be, standard in almost every eDiscovery project today since it can simplify and reduce both workflows and procedures.

Moderated by Katie Scoular, Vivek Sinha and Jan Remmer Siebels, our analytics experts present basic analytics tools for practical work, in terms of both reducing data volumes as well as more investigative approaches.

Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, all this sounds impressive, but fors many lawyers and In-House teams the prevailing thought is that it complicates things, especially when it comes to application in day-to-day business.

In this webinar “The eDiscovery Analytics Survival Kit”, Consilio shows you that many analytics tools are, and should be, standard in almost every eDiscovery project today since it can simplify and reduce both workflows and procedures.

Moderated by Katie Scoular, Vivek Sinha and Jan Remmer Siebels, our analytics experts present basic analytics tools for practical work, in terms of both reducing data volumes as well as more investigative approaches.

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