Legal Transformation Services
Information Governance

Develop sound information governance strategies to reduce risk


Lower operational risk with streamlined information governance practices
Reduce eDiscovery and data storage costs
Optimise M365 to ensure robust eDiscovery and compliance processes
Technology implementations completed
Client satisfaction
Legal Transformation Services Consultants
M365 consultants

Controlling costs and risk while balancing regulatory and technical challenges of information governance

Comprehensive information governance is critical for your organisation to meet today’s complex regulatory and technological challenges. Our experts develop sound records and information governance strategies and implementation plans that enhance legal and regulatory compliance, lower eDiscovery and storage costs, protect and secure sensitive data, and foster productivity and collaboration.

We collaborate with stakeholders to understand litigation, compliance, and records management needs, identify key data sources, and determine tools and technology for effective information governance.

Information governance expertise

Data Forensic Experts

Information governance policies and schedules

Data mapping & remediation

Identification, classification and remediation

Records & information management

Workflow improvement, records inventory and change management

Legal hold & document management

System selection, migration and integration

Unlock efficiency with strong information governance practices

Learn how we can help you gain efficiencies with improved information governance practices. Connect with us today.

Start reducing costs and mitigating risk

Learn how we can help you improve your information governance practices. Connect with us today.