CALI Webinar - Practice Makes Perfect: Benefits of Cross-Matter Discovery Management

Most organizations face more than one discovery effort each year, and many face more than one at once. Cross-matter discovery management should be a consideration of attorneys in all such organizations, because practice makes perfect, and effective cross-matter management can reduce costs and risks while increasing predictability, consistency, and defensibility. In this one-hour webinar, experienced practitioners will discuss a range of cross-matter discovery management considerations, including: how to take your organization’s current measure; how to begin standardizing your practices; how to choose your tools and services; how to reuse your data; and how to get better at all of this over time.
Most organizations face more than one discovery effort each year, and many face more than one at once. Cross-matter discovery management should be a consideration of attorneys in all such organizations, because practice makes perfect, and effective cross-matter management can reduce costs and risks while increasing predictability, consistency, and defensibility. In this one-hour webinar, experienced practitioners will discuss a range of cross-matter discovery management considerations, including: how to take your organization’s current measure; how to begin standardizing your practices; how to choose your tools and services; how to reuse your data; and how to get better at all of this over time.