A Niche with a View into Cyber Incident Response

By James Jansen, Senior Director, Consilio

Cyber incidents can be extremely cost sensitive. How does Consilio address this from a technology and resource standpoint?
There are cost sensitivities around these because of the increasing numbers. That’s why the work that we’re doing must align with what are our customers – ultimately the carriers and breach counsel – expect as a result. In addition, when we look at the cost of these matters, it’s important to take a holistic view. There’s no technology alone that’s going to drive efficiency, and there’s no human resource component that’s going to drive that efficiency all on its own. Therefore, we look at it from a holistic standpoint.
Read the full Q&A with James Jansen in the article A Niche with a View into Cyber Incident Response from CCBJ’s 2022 Directory of Leading Legal Technology and Project Management Solutions.
View the full article.
By James Jansen, Senior Director, Consilio

Cyber incidents can be extremely cost sensitive. How does Consilio address this from a technology and resource standpoint?
There are cost sensitivities around these because of the increasing numbers. That’s why the work that we’re doing must align with what are our customers – ultimately the carriers and breach counsel – expect as a result. In addition, when we look at the cost of these matters, it’s important to take a holistic view. There’s no technology alone that’s going to drive efficiency, and there’s no human resource component that’s going to drive that efficiency all on its own. Therefore, we look at it from a holistic standpoint.
Read the full Q&A with James Jansen in the article A Niche with a View into Cyber Incident Response from CCBJ’s 2022 Directory of Leading Legal Technology and Project Management Solutions.
View the full article.