A Place to Stand

Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician and engineer, once declared, “Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world.” His insight into the power of leverage – both as a concept and a tool – was profound. Today, in the legal industry, we find ourselves with a modern-day lever: Generative AI (GenAI). But as we approach the precipice of this technological revolution, the question remains: Where exactly should we stand?
Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician and engineer, once declared, “Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the world.” His insight into the power of leverage – both as a concept and a tool – was profound. Today, in the legal industry, we find ourselves with a modern-day lever: Generative AI (GenAI). But as we approach the precipice of this technological revolution, the question remains: Where exactly should we stand?