Practice Makes Perfect: Benefits of Cross-Matter Discovery Management
A great deal has been written and spoken about the challenges faced in individual eDiscovery projects and how best to meet them, but most organizations face far more than one eDiscovery project. Most face more than one a year, and many face more than one at once. For organizations that find eDiscovery a recurring part of their annual activity, there is more to consider than just best practices for executing each individual project. Thankfully, practice makes perfect, and effective cross-matter management can do even more than effective project management to reduce costs and risks and to increase predictability, consistency, and defensibility. In this whitepaper, we discuss a range of cross-matter discovery management considerations, including: how to take your organization’s current measure; how to begin standardizing your practices; how to choose your tools and services; how to reuse your data; and how to get better at all of this over time.
In this White Paper
- Relevant metrics for CIPs
- Frameworks for change management
- Scenarios for data reuse
Key Insights
- Key topics for effective RFIs
- The benefits of standardization
- The potential of aggregated data
A great deal has been written and spoken about the challenges faced in individual eDiscovery projects and how best to meet them, but most organizations face far more than one eDiscovery project. Most face more than one a year, and many face more than one at once. For organizations that find eDiscovery a recurring part of their annual activity, there is more to consider than just best practices for executing each individual project. Thankfully, practice makes perfect, and effective cross-matter management can do even more than effective project management to reduce costs and risks and to increase predictability, consistency, and defensibility. In this whitepaper, we discuss a range of cross-matter discovery management considerations, including: how to take your organization’s current measure; how to begin standardizing your practices; how to choose your tools and services; how to reuse your data; and how to get better at all of this over time.
In this White Paper
- Relevant metrics for CIPs
- Frameworks for change management
- Scenarios for data reuse
Key Insights
- Key topics for effective RFIs
- The benefits of standardization
- The potential of aggregated data