Direct Hire

Elevate productivity and lower costs using our talented legal professionals


Find talented global candidates for roles from office services to CEO
Streamline your recruitment process by letting us vet candidates
Free up valuable time to focus on strategy, not staffing
Direct hire positions filled last year
Practice areas staffed
Clients served in last year
Repeat clients

Increase productivity with permanent, high quality legal experts

With more than 30 years of experience, we work closely with you to understand the criteria for your permanent role. We source talent, review resumes, interview candidates and check references before providing a short list of candidates for you to review.

We move fast so you spend less time on recruitment and more on meeting day-to-day business needs.

Combining people and tech to increase the productivity of your team

Legal Secondments
Our legal and compliance professionals on secondment give you flexibility to fill short-term gaps or cover long-term needs.
Structured Teams
A natural extension of your team with specific skills and expertise to balance out ebbs and flows of need.
Review Staffing
Increase productivity and meet tight deadlines with our high caliber, experienced document reviewers.

Why choose us for direct hire placements?

Data Forensic Experts
A partnership approach

We are experts in the industry and take time to understand your specific needs and map the process to find your next hire.

Service excellence

We use proven processes to find candidates who align with the responsibilities and qualifications of your position.

Representative experience

We have extensive experience in virtually all areas of job opportunities.

Find and hire the right people, every time

Rely on Consilio to effectively and efficiently find the candidates that fit your needs.