Consilio Advanced Learning Institute

Coloring Inside the Lines: Navigating Legal Ethics While Building Your Personal Brand



Personal branding can aid professional advancement, but when attorneys engage in personal branding, they must take care to avoid running afoul of the ethical rules governing attorneys’ self-promotion. This whitepaper provides tips for how to safely develop your personal brand and leverage it to advance your legal career.

Branding is important for individuals for the same reason it’s important for companies. Corporations know that individuals rely on brand reputation when making purchasing decisions. Similarly, companies rely on the reputation of individuals when making decisions on hiring, promotions, raises, and layoffs, and clients rely on the reputation of attorneys when making hiring decisions. As a lawyer, your personal brand is the way you are viewed by your legal community and your potential client base.

In this Whitepaper

  • Steps for crafting a personal brand
  • Ethical promotion guidelines to follow
  • Common branding pitfalls to avoid

Key Insights

  • The importance of consistency across channels
  • The need to ask for the recognition you deserve
  • The value of managing evolution over time

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