Webinar: Gone Viral: Social Media in eDiscovery

As a review of almost any day’s news will demonstrate, social media remains an influential, indispensable part of American life – for better or for worse. And, as social media has been working its way ever deeper into our relationships, our professional activities, and our culture as a whole, its impact on discovery has been growing as well.

Webinar: What’s Next in Diversity: Working Collaboratively to Measure, Report, and Improve Law Firm Diversity

Corporate law departments are acutely focused on the diversity of their outside counsel, and they expect their law firms to support corporate diversity initiatives. To achieve diversity goals, law departments and law firms must work collaboratively to understand corporate expectations and create strategies for firms to meet those expectations.

Webinar: In the Beginning: Identification and Preservation Fundamentals

ESI spoliation remains a frequent issue – particularly in the gray area where new devices, applications, or services are transitioning from niche adoption to mainstream use. Hence the importance of these phases in an eDiscovery effort: almost every other type of failure can be fixed with adequate time and money, but once unique, relevant ESI is gone, it’s gone.

Webinar: Handling Data: Overcoming Differing and Often Contradictory National and International Legislation

Companies under investigation often find themselves in the unenviable position of trying to balance the need to provide prosecuting agencies with the information they request and staying on the right side of the myriad of data protection legislation across the world. Get it wrong and they can find themselves in further difficulty with the prosecuting agencies or staring down the barrel of a hefty data protection fine. What steps can practitioners and companies take to successfully resolve these conflicts in an effective and timely way?

Webinar: To AI or Not to AI? The Big Debate Part II

Whether it’s reviewing invoices or repapering contracts, there are many tasks that are dreaded but must be done. So, do you bring in AI to relieve some of that burden? Or is the risk of inaccuracies or strain of implementation too great? Watch our recent Big Debate to examine both sides of that question.

Webinar: Government Investigations and Enforcement Rules in Japan – Resource

Investigations and enforcement actions can present significant risks and potential disruptions for companies. On top of that, companies must keep up with the latest developments and assessing how they may impact your company and unforeseen challenges.