Coloring Inside the Lines: Navigating Legal Ethics While Building Your Personal Brand

Personal branding can aid professional advancement, but when attorneys engage in personal branding, they must take care to avoid running afoul of the ethical rules governing attorneys’ self-promotion. This whitepaper provides tips for how to safely develop your personal brand and leverage it to advance your legal career.

Lights, Camera, Action: Demonstrating Leadership and Executive Presence in a Virtual Work Environment

Prior to 2020, legal and business leaders relied on in-person meetings, but the pandemic made remote work the new normal. Four years later, as new leaders emerge and memories of 2020 fade, remote work remains. Today, it’s essential that leaders be able to demonstrate executive presence even when remote.

Cross-Border Discovery: A Guide to Practical Challenges for US Counsel

As the world’s economies continue to reach across borders, US counsel representing companies of all sizes are more frequently required to gather data from other countries. This paper provides those counsel with practical guidance regarding the logistical and operational challenges that arise in a typical matter requiring cross-border discovery.

Corporate Counsel Guide to End-to-End eDiscovery

As an in-house attorney, eDiscovery can often feel like a distraction from the substantive work you want to be doing, but successfully managing eDiscovery – including choosing the right partners – can result in finding better information, more quickly, and less expensively across all your matters.

From Rhetoric to Reality: Building a Culture of Diversity in the Legal Profession

Legal professionals give a lot of lip service to the importance of diversity and inclusion, yet moving the needle in those areas is challenging. Fortunately, there are ways you can change biased hiring and professional practices in order to transform your organization into a more inclusive and prosperous business.

When the Game is Afoot: Investigations and eDiscovery

The majority of eDiscovery work takes place in the context of litigation, but a significant amount of it takes place instead in the context of investigations. Although the available ESI and eDiscovery technologies are the same, the realities of handling investigations can be different in some ways important ways.

How to Manage the Unexpected Resignation of a Key Legal Employee

In every legal team, resignations are inevitable – regardless of how valued your employees may feel. There is a lot to consider when a key employee resigns, and your first instinct may be to focus only on immediate workload, but it’s also important to make a long-term planning a priority.

Sampling Techniques for Litigation and Investigations

Despite years of discussion in the eDiscovery industry about the power and importance of sampling techniques – particularly in the context of technology-assisted review (TAR), many practitioners remain unfamiliar with what they can accomplish with them, and when, outside of TAR, they might do so.

Six Data Protection Strategies for Legal Teams: Mitigating Risk, Maintaining Reputation

No organization is immune from cyber incidents. Although helpful, minimalist data protection practices are often not enough to save organizations from costly data loss and embarrassing reputational damage. This Practice Guide reviews six strategies for mitigating the risk of cyber incidents in your organization.