Blog | Women in Technology

Blog: Women in Technology Series

Women in Technology Series – Featuring Grace Hougey

April 28th, 2020|

This blog is part of our on-going Women in Technology series. Grace Hougey is a Systems Architect on the Platform Engineering team here at Consilio. She has been with Consilio for over a year now as a result of the DiscoverReady acquisition. Grace has been working in software development and legal technology for about 15 years. She is primarily self-taught, aside from various software development classes and training courses throughout her career. To Grace, the most exciting aspect of working at Consilio is the variety of unique opportunities for innovation and problem-solving. Can you speak on particularly impactful experiences in your career that got you to where you are today? I've had the opportunity to work for both small startups and very large corporations, which has given me a wide range of experience. On the one hand, I've learned to navigate the bureaucracy of corporations. On the other, I've also been exposed to the energy of a startup and the innovation and entrepreneurship that goes along with that. That diversity of experience and knowledge allows me to view problems from multiple perspectives and has been valuable when dealing with both clients and internal groups. What is your advice for women in a male-dominated industry, such as tech? The biggest lesson I've learned is not to be apologetic or to choose wisely when to apologize. Be thankful and gracious with colleagues, but don't be defensive about real or perceived shortcomings, and don't apologize for having an opinion. You do not need to justify

Women in Technology Series – Featuring Judy Torres

March 31st, 2020|

This blog is part of our on-going Women in Technology series.   Judy Torres is the Project Management Senior Director in Project Operations. She has been in the industry for 13 years now resulting from acquisitions from Altep to Advanced Discovery and finally, Consilio. Before joining the world of eDiscovery, Judy worked as a Director of Information Systems for the fastest-growing school district in Texas. Judy earned her bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems at the University of Texas at El Paso. The most exciting aspect of working at Consilio, to Judy, is the exposure to many areas of business other than operations.     Can you please speak about a pivotal moment in your career? The most pivotal learning moment in my career is when I owned my knowledge -- when I realized that my contributions were a part of solving problems. Often, women wait to participate in discussions until they can recommend the “perfect solution” instead of just brainstorming good suggestions.  Remember, perfection is the evil of good, so your input doesn’t need to be perfect – it needs to be good. The solution will become perfect when the entirety of contributors supplements a good idea, to a great idea, to a perfect solution.   What has been your experience with role models during your career? I have been extremely fortunate with the strong mentors I’ve had in life. They’ve all reinforced different lessons for me because, contrary to popular belief, we do not always have the answers to