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CALI Webinar - Diversifying Legal Technology: Reimagining Talent Acquisition

Written by Jennifer Ladd

Updated: Oct 09, 2023

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It’s now proven that diverse teams of employees produce more creative, innovative, and effective outcomes. For organizations in the legal technology sector, success demands that they improve the diversity of their workforce by boosting the representation of racial, ethnic, and gender minorities, as well as other historically marginalized groups. But successfully achieving diversity goals requires reimagining the recruiting and talent acquisition process. Join moderator James Edwell and a panel of industry experts for a discussion of how to do just that. From understanding the challenge to embracing it, from ideating potential solutions to engaging with partners who can implement them, this program will better equip professionals in this space to make meaningful progress towards increased diversity.

It’s now proven that diverse teams of employees produce more creative, innovative, and effective outcomes. For organizations in the legal technology sector, success demands that they improve the diversity of their workforce by boosting the representation of racial, ethnic, and gender minorities, as well as other historically marginalized groups. But successfully achieving diversity goals requires reimagining the recruiting and talent acquisition process. Join moderator James Edwell and a panel of industry experts for a discussion of how to do just that. From understanding the challenge to embracing it, from ideating potential solutions to engaging with partners who can implement them, this program will better equip professionals in this space to make meaningful progress towards increased diversity.

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